
Find The Best Lice Doctors Online

Lice are insects that feed on human blood and lay their eggs in the nearby regions covered with hair. Three types of lice that infest humans are:

  • Body lice
  • Head lice
  • Pubic lice

All of these lice are different from one another. Lice that infest the body are found only in human beings. While lice do not cause any bacterial or viral infections, it is best to get them treated before they become serious, such as dandruff or heavy infestation.

Symptoms of lice infestation

The common signs of a lice infestation can range from –

  • Itching on the scalp and nearby regions. Itching is an allergic reaction to louse bites.
  • Continuous scratching can lead to sores at times which pain and hurt or bleed.
  • Lice may be visible, but they’re tiny and avoid light which makes them difficult to catch.
  • Eggs or nits stick to the hair shaft and are very difficult to get rid of. Nits are a nuisance because they are even more difficult to get rid of.

lice doctors

Though lice infestation can seem a common problem, yet it is advisable to get it treated by lice doctors. A specialist can advise you properly on how to get rid of it and contain the infestation from spreading.

Causes of head lice

A louse is grey or transparent in color, and it feeds on human blood. The female louse lays its eggs on the hair, and it attaches to the hair with a sticky liquid. Head lice can live up to four to six weeks and transfer from one person to another with minimum contact. According to lice doctors, sharing combs, blankets, clothes, or beddings can easily transfer nymphs or nits from one person to another. The most common carriers of head lice are children, as they share stuff more often than adults. They do not take care of themselves regularly and play with dirty things.


Preventing the spreading of head lice among children is very difficult because they cannot be isolated. The chance of indirect transmission from personal items is slight though not completely zero. To prevent such passage, you should not share belongings with the person who has an infestation. The only way to avoid spreading is to avoid all types of contact and perform isolation. It is the best method to prevent them from thriving.