Dandruff flakes

Scratching and itching head are typical due to lice


Lice are classified into three categories. They’re all members of the same parasite family, yet they’re all members of separate parasite species:

  • Head lice may be found on the scalp, neck, and ears, among other places.
  • Body lice begin their lives on people’s clothes or in their beds, but they eventually spread to their skin.
  • Crabs are another name for lice on the body. They may be found on the pubic hair and the skin. Typically, just the host’s head or scalp is infected. However, the condition may manifest itself in other hairy regions of the body, such as leg hairs.

Irritation from head lice bites is a typical sign of this illness, caused by the fact that they feed on human blood (hematophagy). In general, a lice infestation is called pediculosis, affecting a wide range of mammalian and avian species. However, for this particular human pediculosis caused by P. Humanus capitis, the term “pediculosis capitis” or simply “pediculosis” is occasionally used to refer to the general word “pediculosis.” Consult lice doctors for complete lice treatment which is 100% efficient and effective.

lice doctors

Head lice eggs (nits) are firmly adhered to the base of the hair, indicating that the person has head lice.

Because nits are black in color and newly born lice are light in color, it is simple to distinguish between the two. The appearance of nits on the scalp may indicate the existence of head lice on the person’s head. Nits are easily determined from other detritus, such as dandruff flakes, by their size and shape.


Sharing personal objects that come into contact with the head, such as hats, hairbrushes, and hair accessories, is a less probable method of acquiring head lice. Head lice need a blood meal every 12 to 24 hours to live, and they cannot survive away from a human head for more than a day at a time.