Where is Chad Richison Placed According To Glassdoor?

Chad Richison

According to employee reviews submitted to Glassdoor, a prominent provider of comprehensive cloud-based human capital management software, Chad Richison, the company’s founder and CEO, was designated one of the highest rated CEOs during the COVID-19 Crisis. Richison is the only CEO of an Oklahoma-based company to make the list of the top 25 chief executives chosen in the United States, with an overall CEO approval rating of 95%. In order to identify CEOs who have received particularly high marks for their leadership during the COVID-19 problem from their employees, Glassdoor evaluated employee reviews between March 1 and July 31, 2020. Employers required to have at least 1,000 employees at the conclusion of the consideration period, and CEOs needed to have at least 50 reviews totaling both senior management ratings and CEO approval. Glassdoor examined the quality of reviews to determine the ranking of the list, paying particular attention to the CEO approval rating, the senior management workplace factor rating, and how staff members discussed their leadership with reference to COVID-19. Work-life balance, attention to employees’ general well-being, flexible and/or remote working rules, the establishment of robust health benefits, and regular, direct communication are common themes among the CEOs with the highest ratings during COVID-19. Richison was recognised as one of Glassdoor’s Top CEOs in 2018; on Glassdoor’s 2019 Best Places to Work list for large U.S. corporations, Paycom was placed first in Oklahoma.

Details About The Paycom Software Comapany:

Chad Richison

Paycom, established in Oklahoma City, is a pioneer in payroll and HR technology. By empowering businesses to successfully navigate a constantly evolving business environment, Paycom is redefining the human capital management sector. Its cloud-based software solution is built on a fundamental record-keeping system that is kept in a single database for all human capital management tasks, giving organisations the capability they require to manage the whole employment life cycle, from hiring to retirement. Paycom Software, Inc. was founded by Mr. Chad Richison in 1998, and he has served as its president and chief executive officer ever since. With ADP, Mr. Richison started his career in sales before switching to payroll. He possesses leadership abilities, expertise, and strategic direction. Since August 5, 2016 and 1998, respectively, he has served as Paycom Software, Inc.’s chairman of the board and a director. His degree in journalism and mass communication came from the University of Central Oklahoma.